While Cornelisse sculptures communicate simplicity, the use of color and shapes give an emotionality to the pieces that are appealing and which seem to change with the light of the day and differing placements.
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About Mo Cornelisse

An artist from the Netherlands, Cornelisse has worked since 2012 as a full-time ceramist, who seeks to create works that are distinguished by their shape and simplicity. 

She is fascinated by material contradictions and works in series, creating three-dimensional pieces which include her signature melting vases in white with gold leaf. 

Cornelisse harbors a love for the craft and  uses modern techniques to achieve her designs. 


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Mo Cornelisse Live

Mo’s sculpture has so many nuances to its display with many geometric and smooth surfaces. To see her artwork in person is a trip that’s worth the visit.
— Recent Viewer

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On View Now

New York City


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